Keep your feet on the earth but lift your faces towards the heavens, for the light which floods into you from on high will steady your feet and guide them in the right path. taken from Wisdom of Happiness calendar January 1970

Keep your feet on the Earth

“Keep your feet on the earth but lift your face towards the heavens, for the light that floods into you from on high will steady your feet and guide them in the right path.  Have confidence in this divine light; surrender with a tranquil mind and a heart full of...

Man or woman may meditate all their life on the glories of the heaven world and still be unable to reach their goal.  God intended people on earth to be perfectly balanced between spirit and matter, between the divine life and the material life.  Hence the symbol of...


“Forgiveness is one of the hardest lessons that humanity has to learn; but as man forgives so he himself is forgiven… Forgiveness in your heart brings sunshine, peace of soul and tranquillity into your life.” Affirm: I trust in the divine plan. I forgive myself and...


“Think of yourself as being within the Great White Light, in that Light which is the heart of creation, which is Love.  In this consciousness there is no death and no separation; all is harmony, all is at-one.”  Words of Wisdom taken from White Eagle...