Who is White Eagle?

White Eagle

White Eagle is the name given to the wise teacher and philosopher who guided the
formation of the White Eagle Lodge. The name White Eagle in the Native American
tradition is symbolic and means a spiritual teacher. The white eagle soars far into the
heavens above the emotions and turmoils of the earth and sees things from a different
perspective. It is also the mystical symbol of Saint John,  the disciple who wrote the fourth gospel of the New Testament of the Bible.

No true spiritual teacher ever makes claims about themselves – they come in
simplicity and humility. White Eagle is a spokesperson for a group known as the Star Brotherhood.

Many who have followed the teaching and path of spirituality recognize the presence of a master behind his words and work. White Eagle states that he is a messenger for those far greater than himself.

The beauty of White Eagle’s teachings brings an explanation and understanding to everyday life, providing help and guidance in our lives.