Become Peace

As you learn to become peaceful under the Star, you radiate this peace into the outer world. Words of wisdom from White Eagle’s book ‘The Book of Starlight’

Love is the highest service

“There is no higher service than love, no higher or more profound truth than love.  It is strictly scientific; it works in a scientific manner.  It is just, perfect and true, and on the human level it is very kind and sweet and good.”   White...


“The key that unlocks the door to these heavenly mysteries lies not in the human mind, but in the heart.”  Words of wisdom taken from White Eagle’s Book ‘Best of White Eagle.’ Best of White Eagle.


If the action of another irritates you and you chafe under a sense of injustice, do not try to attack, even in your thoughts, the one who appears to have offended.  Have you not given yourself to the Master of Love?  There can be no compromise; your way is clearly...

“You all have problems of one kind or another and many of you have fears for the future.  Never cross your bridge before you come to it. If and when you come to it, you will be carried across with great power and love.”  Taken from White Eagle’s book...