“If we watch our Star radiating its light, and drawing into its heart the infinite light of God, we shall see the Star as a living and yet ever changing symbol; the Star being identical with the rose – the rose of love, which must be wisdom, for all love in its truest aspect is wisdom….. God will not leave you. Give your trust, that is all. The light within you, the inner voice, will tell you truly your duty; then do that duty; and look into the face of your Master without fear.” Words of wisdom from White Eagle’s book ‘Group Consciousness’ available from our web store.
The Living Star
by Gay Robinson | May 11, 2021 | Latest News | 2 comments
I get it now! I sent out the light for 10yrs from 1986 onwards when my mum died. However fear arose that I was doing the right thing. I have come to a place where sacred geometery has touched my life. Oh how I need to talk to you. Everything has fell into place today for me.
Hello dear Margaret,
Just wondering if you received my reply to your comment on the web page. Please feel free to email me at info@whiteeaglelodge.org.au would love to chat with you. Kind thoughts Gay