White Eagle Meditation Experience

Press Play, then Scroll down to Centre the Star Image on your screen and Begin

by White Eagle Lodge | Meditation by Lyn

At our White Eagle Centres and Groups, meditation classes are available for all levels of experience. There are books on meditation for further study. A postal course is also available for members.

Meditation by Grace Cooke gives an in-depth description on the practice of meditation.  Short meditations and teaching are found in the books  The Still Voice and Healing Meditations

Visualize the still white flame; hold it very still before you, as you breathe gently and quietly.  Let no breath or thought give movement to the flame.  Then, see that still flame in the Centre of the Star (or Sun)……Know that this little flame is the God in you, your spirit, part of the great Sun.  Let the brightness of the flame draw you into the heart of the Sun.

“The Still Voice” P5